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Пользователь playfull

На сайте с: 25.06.2008
Последний визит: 08.06.2010
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Отзывы и комментарии (12)

Анкета "Оля"
14.12/08 playfull
Are you available for being a traveling companion on a Vacation? If you are please contact me at [email protected]
Анкета "Катя"
06.01/09 playfull
Everything is relative, if you wish a something very special then you pay for something special. If you want nothing but ordinary then you pay for ordinary. If you wish perfect then you would surly pick up the phone and call this beautiful woman for she is truly perfect!
Анкета "Кристина"
12.01/09 playfull
I am looking for a lady to spend the month of June with in Paris. All expenses paid as well as whatever you wish as you price. If you are interested please email me at [email protected].
Анкета "Влада"
12.01/09 playfull
I am looking for a beautiful lady to spend the month of June with in Paris. All expenses paid as well as whatever you wish as you price. If you are interested please email me at [email protected].
Анкета "Елена"
15.02/09 playfull
Dear Elena, I would very much like you to e-mail me at [email protected]. I have a proposition you might like. I hope to hear from you very soon.
Анкета "Влада"
09.06/09 playfull
Dear Vlada, You are a very lovely woman but the photo of you with the mask is about the most beautiful photo I have scene on this site. I promise I will call when I next get to Moscow if only to experience the woman behind the mask. [email protected]
Анкета "Анюта"
09.07/09 playfull
Would you be interested in spending August in the South of France and Monaco? I would make sure you were very well paid for your time and travel! [email protected]
Анкета "Линда"
09.07/09 playfull
Dear Linda, Would you be interested in spending August in the South of France and Monaco? I would make sure you were very well paid for your time and travel! [email protected]
Анкета "Алена"
11.09/09 playfull
Dear Alena, If you honestly look like your pictures you are one very beautiful woman. I was wondering if you would be interested in spending a week in Greece. Of course I will pick up all expenses and remit to you whatever you believe fair for your time that week. If you are interested please write [email protected] by September 20th and we can set thing up then.
Анкета "Вера"
12.09/09 playfull
Vera, please contact me at [email protected]. I would like to discuss a proposition with you that you might truly enjoy.
Анкета "Елена"
06.11/09 playfull
If you have an e-mail address please send it to [email protected] I would very much like to chat with you. Thanks very much!
Анкета "Настя"
20.05/10 playfull
It isn't often we get a true beauty on this site but in my opinion Nastya is a true beauty with a body we are lucky enough for her to share with us. I honestly hope you are available for at least a couple of days the next time I am in Moscow!
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